Thursday 28 August 2008

A Cake Fit For a King

Next week I start college. Not properly, it's just those mundane but essential bits and pieces like enrolling and screening for possible learning difficulties ( I already know I am dsylexic) but still I'm nervous. Excited nervous, because this is going to be the turning point. For once I actually know what I want to do!!! Cooking is 'my thing' you see, it's what I'm known for. I'm not saying I'm a master but I AM passionate. Obsessed. So after years of going 'oh, i think i'm going to be a dental nurse/midwife/nutritionist/pub owner/english literature phd/event manager/teacher' I have finally decided to do something i'm 100% passionate about. Everyone including me went 'oh yeah, of course, that makes sense, why didn't we think of that before.' Bit of a strange one but nevermind, I'm here now.

But that is next week. Today I am going to see my good friends The Kings and i'm in the mood for a little baking. Despite being August, Autumn is impatiently waiting in the wings and grey skies and chilly winds can't convince me warmer weather is en route for the weekend, so I am already thinking or warming spices such as cinnamon and ginger. I don't want to completely write off summer so I will turn to the carribean for some inspiration. I have baked Nigel Slater's Double Ginger Cake before and everyone loves it but to turn it into dessert I'll make a Rum Butterscotch Sauce, which we'll have with vanilla ice cream (Cornish as it turns out).

Recipe for Rum Butterscotch Sauce:

80g of Butter
80g of Dark Brown Sugar
80g of Golden Syrup
1 Vanilla Pod (split) or 1tbsp of Extract
Small pot of Double Cream
Splash or two of Dark Rum

1. Melt the butter, sugar and syrup with the vanilla pod (if using), let it bubble for 5 minutes.
2. Take off the heat and stir in extract, cream and rum (incidentally i didn't have any rum but used Southern Comfort instead.)
3.Let it cool and keep in the fridge until needed.

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