Tuesday 18 November 2008

Delia's Classic Christmas Cake

I cannot claim this recipe as my own unfortunately so here I must redirect you to Delia's website and give props where they're due. There is pretty much EVERYTHING you need to know on here. Also the recipe is like, a mile long (just look at the ingredients list!) so I think it is best I leave it to the experts:

I am still feeding my cake every couple of weeks or so with cherry brandy, man it smells good. I am still wondering about how to decorate- arty things not really being my forte. I shall keep you updated nevertheless.

Changing the subject, my father-in-law and partner are coming to visit this weekend and have kindly offered to take me to lunch (fantastic, seeing as since husband has been away I've been living on things very much toast-based). Instead of the uber expensive 36 on the Quay, we are trying Fat Olives this time, still in the gorgeous town of Emsworth. I will also probably bake some Double-Ginger cake for Maureen as it went down well last time (see September 2008 post, A Cake Fit For A King, for recipe).

The lack of food posts on my foodie blog can be attributed to a few dents in my soul since my husband left for a sandier-terra. My passion for food deserted me for a while there, but I can feel my interests being pipped once more as my eye was caught by a Vietnamese cookbook in the library the other day. Hopefully we will see the return of more food orientated posts here at TwentyFour Blackbirds, just want to say thanks for hanging in there.

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