Friday 7 November 2008

Star-Gazey-Pie Struck

Heston is coming to South Downs.

*hyperventilates slightly*

Heston is coming to cook. At. My. College.

There is a charity dinner being held at the college, in aid of ARC, the charity that helps rehabilitates chefs that have fallen into drugs and alcohol as a result of their job. There is going to be a whole posse of celeb chefs cooking in the college kitchens including Heston, Marcus Wareing and Angela Harnett. Jamie Oliver is coming as a guest (£200 a ticket!) and the best thing of all is that the students will get to help out. Not everyone will get to cook but either way I will go and meet them.

I am very excited.

It will be a chance for me to meet some of the best chefs in the business. Marcus Wareing, (is it two or three Michelin stars?) is a personal favourite of mine. I am going loaded with my books and getting them signed. Oh and talking of books (husband take note!) if there is anything I would like to find under my tree this year (or more likely Gary, my Yukka plant) it would be the Fat Duck cook book r.r.p £100 but on Amazon a whopping bargain of just £60. It is THE definitive cookbook for all foodies. Heston is a legend. And all from the man that had no formal training.

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