Tuesday 21 October 2008

Stop *&^%I$£& Swearing!!!

Jamie's Ministry of Food. Or should I say Fucking Jamie's Fucking Ministry of Fucking Food. And apparently I'm not the only one that has picked up on it, the Sunday papers were all over the story, after 100's of viewers complained. And yes, faithful readers, I was one of them. Look, I've already been called Mary Whitehouse, so I don't need to be told I'm middle-aged, complaining about nasty words, but I did it because I'm a massive fan of the fat-tongued idiot. I support his campaign, I really do but when I tuned in it was really off-putting because in every segment it was fuck this and fuck that, whether he was talking to health officials or little old ladies. Pretty poor, especially as what he has got to say, once you strip back the obscenities, makes sense. It's important that the issues he is highlighting in the program are dealt with but are the people that matter going to listen to him if everything he says is littered with Fuck/Shit/Bollocks? No! That's the point people! It's frustrating to watch because he's shooting himself in the foot. And those that know me, know I'm not a prude, I can make a sailor (or army officer) blush. It is just as the saying goes, there is a time and place.
Anyway, the reply I got back is that Jamie is passionate and he gets caught up in the moment, it is after the watershed etc Fine. I am not disputing that. I think they just missed the point of what I was saying, which sadly is what will happen with Jamie. Fucking idiots.

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