Saturday 6 September 2008

First Impressions

This is just some picture I found on the Internet but it is indeed the college I attend and will be the place that changes my life. Doesn't look like much does it? I can assure you it is a truly amazing hub of creativity. Anyway, I met some of the people on my course. The group are true to any cliche of college students: The know-it-alls, , the-bad-attitude-will-drop-out-before-Christmas-guy, the-rockers, the-I'm-not-really-sure-what-I'm-doing-here-people, the-painfully-shy-ones, the-annoyingly-arrogant-I'm-above-the-rest-of-you-peasants-guy, and one I have encountered in many forms, but this particular one takes the proverbial biscuit: The Simpleton.

My tolerance levels are pretty good when it comes to dealing with people, I've had lots of practice by going to lunch with my grandmother (not that she's a simpleton but I have to repeat myself a lot and explain things...she's uses her mobile like a walkie-talkie and stops suddenly in the street to use it, causing mini pile-ups of prams and small children behind her. She can't quite grasp that mobile means you can walk and talk.) but they were pushed to the max when I met this one. She must look at herself in the mirror and take an oath every morning: I must fill every silence with mindless natter, I must laugh hysterically at every comment made by anyone, I must reply with 'oh, i know' and 'mmmmmm' and 'that's disgusting' to everything the tutor says as if he is directly talking to me, and not addressing an entire class. By lunch I was thinking that if she is in my group I'm going to switch because that kitchen is hot and there are sharp things around. But, the thing is she doesn't take these oaths because this girl has no self awareness. None. Not a sausage. And because of that she is brilliant. (but then I am only saying that because Hallelujah, she isn't in my group).

The group has been split into two. I am doing the course over 2 days: Monday 11-8pm, Tuesday 9-6pm. I will be cooking for the college restaurant on the Monday evenings, here is a sample of the menu (it changes every week) :

Terrine of Globe Artichokes with Beaufort Cheese wrapped in Bayonne Ham,
served warm with an Endive Salad


Rother Valley Organic Beef cooked two ways

Roasted Fore Rib Chop, Confit of Shallot and Truffle

Braised Beef and Morel Pudding, Horseradish Gratin and roasted Roots


Prune and Armagnac Tart served with Praline Ice Cream

Fancy eh? In my group there is me, and one other woman and the rest are all guys. I really hope they aren't all Ramsey wannabes. It won't be long before I will grow tired of all that testosterone and pissing competitions, but as long as they don't fuck about I think it will be a laugh. This week was just about Health and Food Safety (thanks to which my OCD is in full swing and I don't want to eat out ever again), next week I should get my chef whites and then on the 15th September I get into the kitchen on my first pastry lesson. I'm really excited, I hope you are too. Until then, I have my father-in-law and his partner visiting us next weekend so I will be planning what to cook. Something new. I'll keep you posted, as always.

Adele x

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